Sandy Spring Bancorp Reports First Quarter Earnings of $20.4 Million

OLNEY, Md., April 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq-SASR), the parent company of Sandy Spring Bank, reported net income of $20.4 million ($0.45 per diluted common share) for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, compared to net income of $26.1 million ($0.58 per diluted common share) for the fourth quarter of 2023 and $51.3 million ($1.14 per diluted common share) for the first quarter of 2023.

Current quarter's core earnings were $21.9 million ($0.49 per diluted common share), compared to $27.1 million ($0.60 per diluted common share) for the quarter ended December 31, 2023 and $52.3 million ($1.16 per diluted common share) for the quarter ended March 31, 2023. Core earnings exclude the after-tax impact of amortization of intangibles, investment securities gains or losses and other non-recurring or extraordinary items. The current quarter's decline of net income and core earnings as compared to the linked quarter was driven by an increase to the provision for credit losses coupled with lower net interest income and higher non-interest expense, partially offset by higher non-interest income. The total provision for credit losses was $2.4 million for the first quarter of 2024 compared to a credit of $3.4 million for the previous quarter and a credit of $21.5 million for the first quarter of 2023.

“We continued to gain momentum this quarter in several critical areas, including growing core funding and maintaining a strong liquidity position. We also continued to uphold our credit quality through prudent risk management and our hands-on approach to working with our clients,” said Daniel J. Schrider, Chair, President & CEO of Sandy Spring Bank.

“As we move through the year, we remain focused on expanding client relationships through enhanced products, services and digital solutions and by delivering local and remarkable client service,” Schrider added.

First Quarter Highlights

  • Total assets at March 31, 2024 decreased by 1% to $13.9 billion compared to $14.0 billion at December 31, 2023.
  • Total loans remained level at $11.4 billion as of March 31, 2024 compared to December 31, 2023. During the current quarter, we reduced our concentration in the investor commercial real estate segment by $106.5 million, while the AD&C portfolio increased $101.3 million. Total commercial business loans and lines and mortgage and consumer loan portfolios remained relatively unchanged during this period.
  • Deposits increased $230.7 million or 2% to $11.2 billion at March 31, 2024 compared to $11.0 billion at December 31, 2023, as interest-bearing deposits increased $326.9 million, while noninterest-bearing deposits declined $96.2 million. Strong growth in the interest-bearing deposit categories was mainly experienced within savings accounts, which grew by $303.9 million compared to the linked quarter. Interest checking and money market accounts increased $64.5 million and $51.6 million, respectively, while time deposits decreased $93.0 million. The decline within noninterest-bearing deposit categories was driven by lower balances in commercial and small business checking accounts.
  • The ratio of non-performing loans to total loans was 0.74% at March 31, 2024 compared to 0.81% at December 31, 2023 and 0.41% at March 31, 2023. The current quarter's reduction in non-performing loans was related to full payoffs of several non-accrual loans in combination with the movement of one investment commercial real estate loan from a non-accrual category to the other real estate owned. Net charge-offs for the current quarter totaled $1.1 million.
  • Total borrowings declined $353.4 million at March 31, 2024 compared to the previous quarter, due to the full payoff of $300.0 million in outstanding borrowings through the Federal Reserve Bank's Bank Term Funding Program and a $50.0 million reduction in FHLB advances.
  • Net interest income for the first quarter of 2024 declined $2.4 million or 3% compared to the previous quarter and $18.0 million or 18% compared to the first quarter of 2023. Compared to the previous quarter, the $0.4 million growth in interest income for the current quarter was more than offset by the $2.7 million increase in interest expense.
  • The net interest margin was 2.41% for the first quarter of 2024 compared to 2.45% for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 2.99% for the first quarter of 2023. Overall, the rate of net interest margin contraction slowed down during the current quarter and we experienced a margin increase during the last month of the current quarter. Compared to the linked quarter, the rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities rose 10 basis points, while the yield on interest-earning assets increased 9 basis points.
  • Provision for credit losses directly attributable to the funded loan portfolio was $3.3 million for the current quarter compared to a credit of $2.6 million in the previous quarter and a credit of $18.9 million in the prior year quarter. The increase in the provision during the current quarter was attributable to the adjustments of risk factors applied to specific industries within the commercial real estate segment, partially offset by lower individual reserves, the result of several payoffs of non-accrual loans, and the reduced probability of an economic recession. In addition, during the current quarter, the reserve for unfunded commitments decreased by $0.9 million, a result of higher utilization rates on lines of credit.
  • Non-interest income for the first quarter of 2024 increased by 11% or $1.8 million compared to the linked quarter and grew by 15% or $2.4 million compared to the prior year quarter. The quarter-over-quarter increase was mainly driven by higher wealth management income, due to a 3% increase in assets under management and the overall favorable market performance, along with higher income from mortgage banking activities and other income, generated by increased credit-related fees.
  • Non-interest expense for the first quarter of 2024 increased $0.9 million or 1% compared to the fourth quarter of 2023 and $1.7 million or 3% compared to the prior year quarter. The quarterly increase in non-interest expense was primarily due to higher salaries and benefits as more employees were subject to employer-related payroll taxes during the current quarter as compared to the linked quarter, partially offset by lower professional fees and lower marketing expense.
  • Return on average assets (“ROA”) for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 was 0.58% and return on average tangible common equity (“ROTCE”) was 7.39% compared to 0.73% and 9.26%, respectively, for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.49% and 19.10%, respectively, for the first quarter of 2023. On a non-GAAP basis, the current quarter's core ROA was 0.63% and core ROTCE was 7.39% compared to 0.76% and 9.26%, respectively, for the previous quarter and 1.52% and 19.11%, respectively, for the first quarter of 2023.
  • The GAAP efficiency ratio was 69.60% for the first quarter of 2024, compared to 68.33% for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 58.55% for the first quarter of 2023. The non-GAAP efficiency ratio was 66.73% for the first quarter of 2024 compared to 66.16% for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 56.87% for the prior year quarter. The increase in non-GAAP efficiency ratio (reflecting a decrease in efficiency) in the current quarter compared to the previous quarter and the first quarter of the prior year was the result of declines in net revenue from the prior periods coupled with the growth in non-interest expense.

Balance Sheet and Credit Quality

Total assets were $13.9 billion at March 31, 2024, as compared to $14.0 billion at December 31, 2023. At March 31, 2024 total loans were stable at $11.4 billion compared to the previous quarter. Investment commercial real estate loans decreased $106.5 million or 2% quarter-over-quarter, while the AD&C portfolio grew $101.3 million or 10% during this period. Commercial business loans and total mortgage and consumer loan portfolios remained relatively unchanged. Overall, the loan portfolio mix remained consistent compared to the previous quarter.

Deposits increased $230.7 million or 2% to $11.2 billion at March 31, 2024 compared to $11.0 billion at December 31, 2023. During this period interest-bearing deposits increased $326.9 million or 4%, while noninterest-bearing deposits declined by $96.2 million or 3%. Growth within interest-bearing deposit categories was driven by savings accounts, which increased by $303.9 million or 24%. Interest checking accounts and money market accounts grew by $64.5 million or 4% and $51.6 million or 2% during the current quarter, respectively. These increases were partially offset by the $93.0 million or 3% reduction in time deposits, of which $49.8 million was related to a reduction in brokered time deposits. The decline in noninterest-bearing deposit category was primarily driven by decreases of $110.6 million or 9% and $35.9 million or 3% in commercial and small business checking accounts, respectively. Total deposits, excluding brokered deposits, increased by $286.6 million or 3% quarter-over-quarter and represented 93% of the total deposits as of March 31, 2024 compared to 92% at December 31, 2023, reflecting continued strength and stability of the core deposit base. The deposit growth experienced during the current quarter resulted in the loan to deposit ratio declining to 101% at March 31, 2024 from 103% at December 31, 2023. Total uninsured deposits at March 31, 2024 were approximately 33% of the total deposits.

Total borrowings declined by $353.4 million or 27% at March 31, 2024 as compared to the previous quarter, driven by a full payoff of $300.0 million of outstanding borrowings through the Federal Reserve Bank's Bank Term Funding Program facility. In addition, FHLB advances were reduced by $50.0 million during the current quarter. At March 31, 2024, contingent liquidity, which consists of available FHLB borrowings, fed funds, funds through the Federal Reserve Bank's discount window, as well as excess cash and unpledged investment securities, totaled $6.3 billion or 170% of uninsured deposits.

The tangible common equity ratio increased to 8.86% of tangible assets at March 31, 2024, compared to 8.77% at December 31, 2023. This increase reflected the impact of a $141.6 million reduction in tangible assets, while tangible common equity remained level during the current quarter.

At March 31, 2024, the Company had a total risk-based capital ratio of 15.05%, a common equity tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 10.96%, a tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 10.96%, and a tier 1 leverage ratio of 9.56%. All of these ratios remain well in excess of the mandated minimum regulatory requirements.

Non-performing loans include non-accrual loans and accruing loans 90 days or more past due. At March 31, 2024, non-performing loans totaled $84.4 million, compared to $91.8 million at December 31, 2023 and $47.2 million at March 31, 2023. Non-performing loans to total loans ratio was 0.74% compared to 0.81% on a linked quarter basis. These levels of non-performing loans compare to 0.41% at March 31, 2023. The current quarter's decrease in non-performing loans was mainly related to several full payoffs, charge-offs and the transfer of one commercial real estate loan into other real estate owned. The majority of the non-accrual loans fully paid off during the current quarter were previously adequately reserved for, which provided a benefit to the current quarter's provision expense as the respective individual reserves were released upon the full payoff. Additionally, during the current quarter, we foreclosed on and transferred one investment commercial real estate property out of non-accrual loan category into the other real estate owned. Total net charge-offs for the current quarter amounted to $1.1 million compared to net recoveries of $0.1 million for the fourth quarter of 2023 and $0.3 million of net recoveries for the first quarter of 2023.

At March 31, 2024, the allowance for credit losses was $123.1 million or 1.08% of outstanding loans and 146% of non-performing loans, compared to $120.9 million or 1.06% of outstanding loans and 132% of non-performing loans at the end of the previous quarter and $117.6 million or 1.03% of outstanding loans and 249% of non-performing loans at the end of the first quarter of 2023. The increase in the allowance for the current quarter compared to the previous quarter mainly reflects updates to risk adjustments applied to specific industries within the commercial real estate segment, partially offset by lower individual reserves due to non-accrual loan payoffs and the reduced probability of an economic recession.

Income Statement Review

Quarterly Results

Net income was $20.4 million ($0.45 per diluted common share) for the three months ended March 31, 2024 compared to $26.1 million ($0.58 per diluted common share) for the three months ended December 31, 2023 and $51.3 million ($1.14 per diluted common share) for the prior year quarter. The current quarter's core earnings were $21.9 million ($0.49 per diluted common share), compared to $27.1 million ($0.60 per diluted common share) for the previous quarter and $52.3 million ($1.16 per diluted common share) for the quarter ended March 31, 2023. The declines in the current quarter's net income and core earnings compared to the previous quarter were driven primarily by a higher provision for credit losses coupled with the decline in net interest income.

Net interest income for the first quarter of 2024 decreased $2.4 million or 3% compared to the previous quarter and $18.0 million or 18% compared to the first quarter of 2023. Both linked quarter and year-over-year decreases in net interest income were driven by higher interest expense, a result of higher funding costs, which outpaced growth in interest income. The rising interest rate environment was primarily responsible for a $14.7 million year-over-year increase in interest income. This growth in interest income was more than offset by the $32.6 million year-over-year growth in interest expense as funding costs have also risen in response to the rising rate environment and significant competition for deposits. Interest income growth occurred in all categories of commercial loans and, to a lesser degree, in residential mortgage loans, and consumer loans.

The net interest margin was 2.41% for the first quarter of 2024 compared to 2.45% for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 2.99% for the first quarter of 2023. The contraction of the net interest margin slowed down during the current quarter as the rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities rose 10 basis points, while the yield on interest-earning assets increased 9 basis points. The rate and yield increases year-over-year were driven by the several federal funds rate increases that occurred over the preceding twelve months, competition for deposits in the market, and customer movement of excess funds out of noninterest-bearing accounts into higher yielding products. As compared to the prior year quarter, the yield on interest-earning assets increased 38 basis points while the rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities rose 115 basis points, resulting in net interest margin compression of 58 basis points. With respect to the current quarter, margin compression began to reverse itself as the net interest income and net interest margin increased during the last month of the current quarter.

The total provision for credit losses was $2.4 million for the first quarter of 2024 compared to a credit of $3.4 million for the previous quarter and a credit of $21.5 million for the first quarter of 2023. The provision for credit losses directly attributable to the funded loan portfolio was $3.3 million for the current quarter compared to a credit of $2.6 million for the fourth quarter of 2023 and the prior year quarter’s credit of $18.9 million. The current quarter's provision is mainly a reflection of adjustments applied to specific industries within the commercial real estate segment, partially offset by lower individual reserves due to full payoffs of several non-accrual loans along with the lower probability of an economic recession.

Non-interest income for the first quarter of 2024 increased by 11% or $1.8 million compared to the linked quarter and grew by 15% or $2.4 million compared to the prior year quarter. The current quarter's increase in non-interest income as compared to the previous quarter was mainly driven by the $0.7 million increase in wealth management income due to the $166.0 million or 3% growth in assets under management and the overall favorable market performance. Additionally, income from mortgage banking activities and other income, a result of increased credit-related fees, increased by $0.6 million and $0.5 million, respectively.

Non-interest expense for the first quarter of 2024 increased $0.9 million or 1% compared to the fourth quarter of 2023 and $1.7 million or 3% compared to the first quarter of 2023. Quarter-over-quarter increase is predominantly attributable to the $1.2 million increase in salaries and benefits, as more employees were subject to employer-related payroll taxes during the current quarter as compared to the previous quarter. This increase was partially offset by lower professional fees and lower marketing expense, which declined by $0.7 million and $0.5 million, respectively.

For the first quarter of 2024, the GAAP efficiency ratio was 69.60% compared to 68.33% for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 58.55% for the first quarter of 2023. The GAAP efficiency ratio rose from the prior year quarter primarily as a result of the 14% decrease in GAAP revenue in combination with the 3% increase in GAAP non-interest expense. The non-GAAP efficiency ratio was 66.73% for the current quarter as compared to 66.16% for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 56.87% for the first quarter of 2023. The increase in the non-GAAP efficiency ratio (reflecting a decrease in efficiency) from the first quarter of the prior year to the current year quarter was primarily the result of the 13% decline in non-GAAP revenue, while non-GAAP expenses increased 1%.

ROA for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 was 0.58% and ROTCE was 7.39% compared to 0.73% and 9.26%, respectively, for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.49% and 19.10%, respectively, for the first quarter of 2023. On a non-GAAP basis, the current quarter's core ROA was 0.63% and core ROTCE was 7.39% compared to 0.76% and 9.26% for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.52% and 19.11%, respectively, for the first quarter of 2023.

Explanation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

This news release contains financial information and performance measures determined by methods other than in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“GAAP”). The Company’s management believes that the supplemental non-GAAP information provides a better comparison of period-to-period operating performance. Additionally, the Company believes this information is utilized by regulators and market analysts to evaluate a company’s financial condition and, therefore, such information is useful to investors. Non-GAAP measures used in this release consist of the following:

  • Tangible common equity and related measures are non-GAAP measures that exclude the impact of goodwill and other intangible assets.
  • The non-GAAP efficiency ratio excludes amortization of intangible assets, investment securities gains/(losses), contingent payment expense, and includes tax-equivalent income.
  • Core earnings and the related measures of core earnings per diluted common share, core return on average assets and core return on average tangible common equity reflect net income exclusive of amortization of intangible assets, investment securities gains/(losses) and other non-recurring or extraordinary items, on a net of tax basis.
  • Pre-tax pre-provision net income excludes income tax expense and the provision (credit) for credit losses.

These disclosures should not be viewed as a substitute for financial results in accordance with GAAP, nor are they necessarily comparable to non-GAAP performance measures that may be presented by other companies. Please refer to the non-GAAP Reconciliation tables included with this release for a reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measure.

Conference Call

The Company’s management will host a conference call to discuss its first quarter results today at 2:00 p.m. (ET). A live Webcast of the conference call is available through the Investor Relations section of the Sandy Spring Website at Participants may call 1-833-470-1428. Please use the following access code: 186461. Visitors to the Website are advised to log on 10 minutes ahead of the scheduled start of the call. An internet-based replay will be available on the website until May 7, 2024. A replay of the teleconference will be available through the same time period by calling 1-866-813-9403 under conference call number 131243.

About Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc.

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc., headquartered in Olney, Maryland, is the holding company for Sandy Spring Bank, a premier community bank in the Greater Washington, D.C. region. With over 50 locations, the bank offers a broad range of commercial and retail banking, mortgage, private banking, and trust services throughout Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Through its subsidiaries, Rembert Pendleton Jackson and West Financial Services, Inc., Sandy Spring Bank also offers a comprehensive menu of wealth management services.

Category: Webcast
Source: Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc.
Code: SASR-E

For additional information or questions, please contact:
Daniel J. Schrider, Chair, President & Chief Executive Officer, or
Philip J. Mantua, E.V.P. & Chief Financial Officer
Sandy Spring Bancorp
17801 Georgia Avenue
Olney, Maryland 20832

Media Contact:
Jen Schell, Senior Vice President

Forward-Looking Statements

Sandy Spring Bancorp’s forward-looking statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those in such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks identified in our quarterly and annual reports and the following: changes in general business and economic conditions nationally or in the markets that we serve; changes in consumer and business confidence, investor sentiment, or consumer spending or savings behavior; changes in the level of inflation; changes in the demand for loans, deposits and other financial services that we provide; the possibility that future credit losses may be higher than currently expected; the impact of the interest rate environment on our business, financial condition and results of operations; the impact of compliance with changes in laws, regulations and regulatory interpretations, including changes in income taxes; changes in credit ratings assigned to us or our subsidiaries; the ability to realize benefits and cost savings from, and limit any unexpected liabilities associated with, any business combinations; competitive pressures among financial services companies; the ability to attract, develop and retain qualified employees; our ability to maintain the security of our data processing and information technology systems; the impact of changes in accounting policies, including the introduction of new accounting standards; the impact of judicial or regulatory proceedings; the impact of fiscal and governmental policies of the United States federal government; the impact of health emergencies, epidemics or pandemics; the effects of climate change; and the impact of natural disasters, extreme weather events, military conflict, terrorism or other geopolitical events. Sandy Spring Bancorp provides greater detail regarding some of these factors in its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, including in the Risk Factors section of that report, and in its other SEC reports. Sandy Spring Bancorp’s forward-looking statements may also be subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those that it may discuss elsewhere in this news release or in its filings with the SEC, accessible on the SEC’s Web site at

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries


    Three Months Ended
March 31,
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)   2024   2023   %
Results of operations:                  
Net interest income   $         79,343     $ 97,302     (18 )%
Provision/ (credit) for credit losses               2,388     (21,536 )   N/M  
Non-interest income             18,367     15,951     15  
Non-interest expense             68,006     66,305     3  
Income before income tax expense             27,316     68,484     (60 )
Net income             20,372     51,253     (60 )
Net income attributable to common shareholders   $         20,346     $ 51,084     (60 )
Pre-tax pre-provision net income (1)   $         29,704     $ 46,948     (37 )
Return on average assets   0.58 %   1.49 %      
Return on average common equity   5.17 %   13.93 %      
Return on average tangible common equity (1)   7.39 %   19.10 %      
Net interest margin   2.41 %   2.99 %      
Efficiency ratio - GAAP basis (2)   69.60 %   58.55 %      
Efficiency ratio - Non-GAAP basis (2)   66.73 %   56.87 %      
Per share data:                  
Basic net income per common share   $            0.45     $ 1.14     (61 )%
Diluted net income per common share   $            0.45     $ 1.14     (60 )
Weighted average diluted common shares       45,086,471     44,872,582      
Dividends declared per share   $            0.34     $ 0.34      
Book value per common share   $           35.37     $ 34.37     3  
Tangible book value per common share (1)   $           26.61     $ 25.83     3  
Outstanding common shares       44,940,147     44,712,497     1  
Financial condition at period-end:                  
Investment securities   $    1,405,490     $ 1,528,336     (8 )%
Loans       11,364,284     11,395,241      
Assets       13,888,133     14,129,007     (2 )
Deposits       11,227,200     11,075,991     1  
Stockholders' equity        1,589,364     1,536,865     3  
Capital ratios:                  
Tier 1 leverage (3)   9.56 %   9.44 %      
Common equity tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets (3)   10.96 %   10.53 %      
Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets (3)   10.96 %   10.53 %      
Total regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets (3)   15.05 %   14.43 %      
Tangible common equity to tangible assets (4)   8.86 %   8.40 %      
Average equity to average assets   11.27 %   10.70 %      
Credit quality ratios:                  
Allowance for credit losses to loans   1.08 %   1.03 %      
Non-performing loans to total loans   0.74 %   0.41 %      
Non-performing assets to total assets   0.63 %   0.34 %      
Allowance for credit losses to non-performing loans   145.78 %   248.93 %      
Annualized net charge-offs/ (recoveries) to average loans (5)   0.04 %   (0.01 )%      

N/M - not meaningful
(1) Represents a non-GAAP measure.
(2) The efficiency ratio - GAAP basis is non-interest expense divided by net interest income plus non-interest income from the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income. The traditional efficiency ratio - Non-GAAP basis excludes intangible asset amortization, and contingent payment expense from non-interest expense; and investment securities gains/ (losses) from non-interest income; and adds the tax-equivalent adjustment to net interest income. See the Reconciliation Table included with these Financial Highlights.
(3) Estimated ratio at March 31, 2024.
(4) The tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio is a non-GAAP ratio that divides assets excluding goodwill and other intangible assets into stockholders' equity after deducting goodwill and other intangible assets. See the Reconciliation Table included with these Financial Highlights.
(5) Calculation utilizes average loans, excluding residential mortgage loans held-for-sale.

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries

    Three Months Ended
March 31,
(Dollars in thousands)   2024   2023
Core earnings (non-GAAP):        
Net income (GAAP)   $         20,372     $ 51,253  
Plus/ (less) non-GAAP adjustments (net of tax)(1):        
Amortization of intangible assets             1,544       973  
Investment securities gains/ losses             —        
Contingent payment expense             —       27  
Core earnings (Non-GAAP)   $         21,916     $ 52,253  
Core earnings per diluted common share (non-GAAP):        
Weighted average common shares outstanding - diluted (GAAP)             45,086,471       44,872,582  
Earnings per diluted common share (GAAP)   $         0.45     $ 1.14  
Core earnings per diluted common share (non-GAAP)   $         0.49     $ 1.16  
Core return on average assets (non-GAAP):        
Average assets (GAAP)   $         14,061,935     $ 13,949,276  
Return on average assets (GAAP)     0.58 %     1.49 %
Core return on average assets (non-GAAP)     0.63 %     1.52 %
Return/ Core return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP):        
Net Income (GAAP)   $         20,372     $ 51,253  
Plus: Amortization of intangible assets (net of tax)             1,544       973  
Net income before amortization of intangible assets   $         21,916     $ 52,226  
Average total stockholders' equity (GAAP)   $         1,584,902     $ 1,491,929  
Average goodwill             (363,436 )     (363,436 )
Average other intangible assets, net             (29,260 )     (19,380 )
Average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)   $         1,192,206     $ 1,109,113  
Return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)     7.39 %     19.10 %
Core return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)     7.39 %     19.11 %

(1) Tax adjustments have been determined using the combined marginal federal and state rate of 25.37% and 25.47% for 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries

    Three Months Ended
March 31,
(Dollars in thousands)   2024   2023
Pre-tax pre-provision net income:        
Net income (GAAP)   $         20,372     $ 51,253  
Plus/ (less) non-GAAP adjustments:        
Income tax expense             6,944       17,231  
Provision/ (credit) for credit losses             2,388       (21,536 )
Pre-tax pre-provision net income (non-GAAP)   $         29,704     $ 46,948  
Efficiency ratio (GAAP):        
Non-interest expense   $         68,006     $ 66,305  
Net interest income plus non-interest income   $         97,710     $ 113,253  
Efficiency ratio (GAAP)     69.60 %     58.55 %
Efficiency ratio (Non-GAAP):        
Non-interest expense   $         68,006     $ 66,305  
Less non-GAAP adjustments:        
Amortization of intangible assets             2,069       1,306  
Contingent payment expense             —       36  
Non-interest expense - as adjusted   $         65,937     $ 64,963  
Net interest income plus non-interest income   $         97,710     $ 113,253  
Plus non-GAAP adjustment:        
Tax-equivalent income             1,099       970  
Less/ (plus) non-GAAP adjustment:        
Investment securities gains/ (losses)             —        
Net interest income plus non-interest income - as adjusted   $         98,809     $ 114,223  
Efficiency ratio (Non-GAAP)     66.73 %     56.87 %
Tangible common equity ratio:        
Total stockholders' equity   $         1,589,364     $ 1,536,865  
Goodwill             (363,436 )     (363,436 )
Other intangible assets, net             (29,864 )     (18,549 )
Tangible common equity   $         1,196,064     $ 1,154,880  
Total assets   $         13,888,133     $ 14,129,007  
Goodwill             (363,436 )     (363,436 )
Other intangible assets, net             (29,864 )     (18,549 )
Tangible assets   $         13,494,833     $ 13,747,022  
Tangible common equity ratio     8.86 %     8.40 %
Outstanding common shares             44,940,147       44,712,497  
Tangible book value per common share   $         26.61     $ 25.83  

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries

(Dollars in thousands)   March 31,
  December 31,
Cash and due from banks   $ 79,305     $ 82,257  
Federal funds sold     243       245  
Interest-bearing deposits with banks     330,842       463,396  
Cash and cash equivalents     410,390       545,898  
Residential mortgage loans held for sale (at fair value)     16,627       10,836  
Investments held-to-maturity (fair values of $192,798 and $200,411 at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively)     231,354       236,165  
Investments available-for-sale (at fair value)     1,100,741       1,102,681  
Other investments, at cost     73,395       75,607  
Total loans     11,364,284       11,366,989  
Less: allowance for credit losses - loans             (123,096 )     (120,865 )
Net loans     11,241,188       11,246,124  
Premises and equipment, net     59,843       59,490  
Other real estate owned     2,700        
Accrued interest receivable     47,152       46,583  
Goodwill     363,436       363,436  
Other intangible assets, net     29,864       28,301  
Other assets     311,443       313,051  
Total assets   $ 13,888,133     $ 14,028,172  
Noninterest-bearing deposits   $ 2,817,928     $ 2,914,161  
Interest-bearing deposits     8,409,272       8,082,377  
Total deposits     11,227,200       10,996,538  
Securities sold under retail repurchase agreements     71,529       75,032  
Federal funds purchased            
Federal Reserve Bank borrowings           300,000  
Advances from FHLB     500,000       550,000  
Subordinated debt     370,952       370,803  
Total borrowings     942,481       1,295,835  
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities     129,088       147,657  
Total liabilities     12,298,769       12,440,030  
Stockholders' equity        
Common stock -- par value $1.00; shares authorized 100,000,000; shares issued and outstanding 44,940,147 and 44,913,561 at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.     44,940       44,914  
Additional paid in capital     743,850       742,243  
Retained earnings     903,377       898,316  
Accumulated other comprehensive loss             (102,803 )     (97,331 )
Total stockholders' equity     1,589,364       1,588,142  
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $ 13,888,133     $ 14,028,172  

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries

    Three Months Ended
March 31,
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)   2024   2023
Interest income:        
Interest and fees on loans   $         150,635           $ 139,727  
Interest on loans held for sale             128             152  
Interest on deposits with banks             6,786             2,686  
Interest and dividend income on investment securities:        
Taxable             6,663             7,008  
Tax-advantaged             1,797             1,770  
Interest on federal funds sold             5             4  
Total interest income             166,014             151,347  
Interest expense:        
Interest on deposits             73,366             40,788  
Interest on retail repurchase agreements and federal funds purchased             3,386             2,104  
Interest on advances from FHLB             5,973             7,207  
Interest on subordinated debt             3,946             3,946  
Total interest expense             86,671             54,045  
Net interest income             79,343             97,302  
Provision/ (credit) for credit losses             2,388             (21,536 )
Net interest income after provision/ (credit) for credit losses             76,955             118,838  
Non-interest income:        
Investment securities gains/ (losses)             —              
Service charges on deposit accounts             2,817             2,388  
Mortgage banking activities             1,374             1,245  
Wealth management income             9,958             8,992  
Income from bank owned life insurance             1,160             907  
Bank card fees             413             418  
Other income             2,645             2,001  
Total non-interest income             18,367             15,951  
Non-interest expense:        
Salaries and employee benefits             36,698             38,926  
Occupancy expense of premises             4,816             4,847  
Equipment expenses             3,963             4,117  
Marketing             742             1,543  
Outside data services             3,103             2,514  
FDIC insurance             2,911             2,138  
Amortization of intangible assets             2,069             1,306  
Professional fees and services             4,880             3,684  
Other expenses             8,824             7,230  
Total non-interest expense             68,006             66,305  
Income before income tax expense             27,316             68,484  
Income tax expense             6,944             17,231  
Net income   $         20,372           $ 51,253  
Net income per share amounts:        
Basic net income per common share   $         0.45           $ 1.14  
Diluted net income per common share   $         0.45           $ 1.14  
Dividends declared per share   $         0.34           $ 0.34  

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries

    2024   2023
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)   Q1   Q4   Q3   Q2   Q1
Profitability for the quarter:                    
Tax-equivalent interest income   $         167,113     $ 166,729     $ 163,479     $ 159,156     $ 152,317  
Interest expense             86,671       83,920       77,330       67,679       54,045  
Tax-equivalent net interest income             80,442       82,809       86,149       91,477       98,272  
Tax-equivalent adjustment             1,099       1,113       1,068       1,006       970  
Provision/ (credit) for credit losses             2,388       (3,445 )     2,365       5,055       (21,536 )
Non-interest income             18,367       16,560       17,391       17,176       15,951  
Non-interest expense             68,006       67,142       72,471       69,136       66,305  
Income before income tax expense             27,316       34,559       27,636       33,456       68,484  
Income tax expense             6,944       8,459       6,890       8,711       17,231  
Net income   $         20,372     $ 26,100     $ 20,746     $ 24,745     $ 51,253  
GAAP financial performance:                    
Return on average assets     0.58 %     0.73 %     0.58 %     0.70 %     1.49 %
Return on average common equity     5.17 %     6.70 %     5.35 %     6.46 %     13.93 %
Return on average tangible common equity     7.39 %     9.26 %     7.42 %     8.93 %     19.10 %
Net interest margin     2.41 %     2.45 %     2.55 %     2.73 %     2.99 %
Efficiency ratio - GAAP basis     69.60 %     68.33 %     70.72 %     64.22 %     58.55 %
Non-GAAP financial performance:                    
Pre-tax pre-provision net income   $         29,704     $ 31,114     $ 30,001     $ 38,511     $ 46,948  
Core after-tax earnings   $         21,916     $ 27,147     $ 27,766     $ 27,136     $ 52,253  
Core return on average assets     0.63 %     0.76 %     0.78 %     0.77 %     1.52 %
Core return on average common equity     5.56 %     6.97 %     7.16 %     7.09 %     14.20 %
Core return on average tangible common equity     7.39 %     9.26 %     9.51 %     9.43 %     19.11 %
Core earnings per diluted common share   $         0.49     $ 0.60     $ 0.62     $ 0.60     $ 1.16  
Efficiency ratio - Non-GAAP basis     66.73 %     66.16 %     60.91 %     60.68 %     56.87 %
Per share data:                  
Net income attributable to common shareholders   $         20,346     $ 26,066     $ 20,719     $ 24,712     $ 51,084  
Basic net income per common share   $         0.45     $ 0.58     $ 0.46     $ 0.55     $ 1.14  
Diluted net income per common share   $         0.45     $ 0.58     $ 0.46     $ 0.55     $ 1.14  
Weighted average diluted common shares             45,086,471       45,009,574       44,960,455       44,888,759       44,872,582  
Dividends declared per share   $         0.34     $ 0.34     $ 0.34     $ 0.34     $ 0.34  
Non-interest income:                    
Securities gains/ (losses)   $         —     $     $     $     $  
Service charges on deposit accounts             2,817       2,749       2,704       2,606       2,388  
Mortgage banking activities             1,374       792       1,682       1,817       1,245  
Wealth management income             9,958       9,219       9,391       9,031       8,992  
Income from bank owned life insurance             1,160       1,207       845       1,251       907  
Bank card fees             413       454       450       447       418  
Other income             2,645       2,139       2,319       2,024       2,001  
Total non-interest income   $         18,367     $ 16,560     $ 17,391     $ 17,176     $ 15,951  
Non-interest expense:                    
Salaries and employee benefits   $         36,698     $ 35,482     $ 44,853     $ 40,931     $ 38,926  
Occupancy expense of premises             4,816       4,558       4,609       4,764       4,847  
Equipment expenses             3,963       3,987       3,811       3,760       4,117  
Marketing             742       1,242       729       1,589       1,543  
Outside data services             3,103       3,000       2,819       2,853       2,514  
FDIC insurance             2,911       2,615       2,333       2,375       2,138  
Amortization of intangible assets             2,069       1,403       1,245       1,269       1,306  
Professional fees and services             4,880       5,628       4,509       4,161       3,684  
Other expenses             8,824       9,227       7,563       7,434       7,230  
Total non-interest expense   $         68,006     $ 67,142     $ 72,471     $ 69,136     $ 66,305  

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries

    2024   2023
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)   Q1   Q4   Q3   Q2   Q1
Balance sheets at quarter end:                
Commercial investor real estate loans   $         4,997,879     $ 5,104,425     $ 5,137,694     $ 5,131,210     $ 5,167,456  
Commercial owner-occupied real estate loans             1,741,113       1,755,235       1,760,384       1,770,135       1,769,928  
Commercial AD&C loans             1,090,259       988,967       938,673       1,045,742       1,046,665  
Commercial business loans             1,509,592       1,504,880       1,454,709       1,423,614       1,437,478  
Residential mortgage loans             1,511,624       1,474,521       1,432,051       1,385,743       1,328,524  
Residential construction loans             97,685       121,419       160,345       190,690       223,456  
Consumer loans             416,132       417,542       416,436       422,505       421,734  
Total loans             11,364,284       11,366,989       11,300,292       11,369,639       11,395,241  
Allowance for credit losses - loans             (123,096 )     (120,865 )     (123,360 )     (120,287 )     (117,613 )
Loans held for sale             16,627       10,836       19,235       21,476       16,262  
Investment securities             1,405,490       1,414,453       1,392,078       1,463,554       1,528,336  
Total assets             13,888,133       14,028,172       14,135,085       13,994,545       14,129,007  
Noninterest-bearing demand deposits             2,817,928       2,914,161       3,013,905       3,079,896       3,228,678  
Total deposits             11,227,200       10,996,538       11,151,012       10,958,922       11,075,991  
Customer repurchase agreements             71,529       75,032       66,581       74,510       47,627  
Total stockholders' equity             1,589,364       1,588,142       1,537,914       1,539,032       1,536,865  
Quarterly average balance sheets:                
Commercial investor real estate loans   $         5,057,334     $ 5,125,028     $ 5,125,459     $ 5,146,632     $ 5,136,204  
Commercial owner-occupied real estate loans             1,746,042       1,755,048       1,769,717       1,773,039       1,769,680  
Commercial AD&C loans             1,030,763       960,646       995,682       1,057,205       1,082,791  
Commercial business loans             1,508,336       1,433,035       1,442,518       1,441,489       1,444,588  
Residential mortgage loans             1,491,277       1,451,614       1,406,929       1,353,809       1,307,761  
Residential construction loans             110,456       142,325       174,204       211,590       223,313  
Consumer loans             417,539       419,299       421,189       423,306       424,122  
Total loans             11,361,747       11,286,995       11,335,698       11,407,070       11,388,459  
Loans held for sale             8,142       10,132       13,714       17,480       8,324  
Investment securities             1,536,127       1,544,173       1,589,342       1,639,324       1,679,593  
Interest-earning assets             13,411,810       13,462,583       13,444,117       13,423,589       13,316,165  
Total assets             14,061,935       14,090,423       14,086,342       14,094,653       13,949,276  
Noninterest-bearing demand deposits             2,730,295       2,958,254       3,041,101       3,137,971       3,480,433  
Total deposits             11,086,145       11,089,587       11,076,724       10,928,038       11,049,991  
Customer repurchase agreements             72,836       66,622       67,298       58,382       60,626  
Total interest-bearing liabilities             9,583,074       9,418,666       9,332,617       9,257,652       8,806,720  
Total stockholders' equity             1,584,902       1,546,312       1,538,553       1,535,465       1,491,929  
Financial measures:                    
Average equity to average assets     11.27 %     10.97 %     10.92 %     10.89 %     10.70 %
Average investment securities to average earning assets     11.45 %     11.47 %     11.82 %     12.21 %     12.61 %
Average loans to average earning assets     84.71 %     83.84 %     84.32 %     84.98 %     85.52 %
Loans to assets     81.83 %     81.03 %     79.94 %     81.24 %     80.65 %
Loans to deposits     101.22 %     103.37 %     101.34 %     103.75 %     102.88 %
Assets under management   $         6,165,509     $ 5,999,520     $ 5,536,499     $ 5,742,888     $ 5,477,560  
Capital measures:                    
Tier 1 leverage (1)     9.56 %     9.51 %     9.50 %     9.42 %     9.44 %
Common equity tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets (1)     10.96 %     10.90 %     10.83 %     10.65 %     10.53 %
Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets (1)     10.96 %     10.90 %     10.83 %     10.65 %     10.53 %
Total regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets (1)     15.05 %     14.92 %     14.85 %     14.60 %     14.43 %
Book value per common share   $         35.37     $ 35.36     $ 34.26     $ 34.31     $ 34.37  
Outstanding common shares             44,940,147       44,913,561       44,895,158       44,862,369       44,712,497  

(1) Estimated ratio at March 31, 2024.

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries

    2024   2023
(Dollars in thousands)   March 31,   December 31,   September 30,   June 30,   March 31,
Non-performing assets:                    
Loans 90 days past due:                    
Commercial real estate:                    
Commercial investor real estate   $   $   $   $   $ 215
Commercial owner-occupied real estate                    
Commercial AD&C                    
Commercial business     20     20     415     29     3,002
Residential real estate:                    
Residential mortgage     340     342         692     352
Residential construction                    
Total loans 90 days past due     360     362     415     721     3,569
Non-accrual loans:                    
Commercial real estate:                    
Commercial investor real estate     55,579     58,658     20,108     20,381     15,451
Commercial owner-occupied real estate     4,394     4,640     4,744     4,846     4,949
Commercial AD&C     556     1,259     1,422     569    
Commercial business     7,164     10,051     9,671     9,393     9,443
Residential real estate:                    
Residential mortgage     11,835     12,332     10,766     10,153     8,935
Residential construction     542     443     449        
Consumer     4,011     4,102     4,187     3,396     4,900
Total non-accrual loans     84,081     91,485     51,347     48,738     43,678
Total non-performing loans     84,441     91,847     51,762     49,459     47,247
Other real estate owned (OREO)     2,700         261     611     645
Total non-performing assets   $ 87,141   $ 91,847   $ 52,023   $ 50,070   $ 47,892

    For the Quarter Ended,
(Dollars in thousands)   March 31,
  December 31,
  September 30,
  June 30,
  March 31,
Analysis of non-accrual loan activity:                    
Balance at beginning of period   $         91,485     $ 51,347     $ 48,738     $ 43,678     $ 34,782  
Non-accrual balances transferred to OREO             (2,700 )                        
Non-accrual balances charged-off             (1,550 )           (183 )     (2,049 )     (126 )
Net payments or draws             (4,017 )     (7,619 )     (1,545 )     (1,654 )     (10,212 )
Loans placed on non-accrual             1,490       47,920       4,967       9,276       19,714  
Non-accrual loans brought current             (627 )     (163 )     (630 )     (513 )     (480 )
Balance at end of period   $         84,081     $ 91,485     $ 51,347     $ 48,738     $ 43,678  
Analysis of allowance for credit losses - loans:                    
Balance at beginning of period   $         120,865     $ 123,360     $ 120,287     $ 117,613     $ 136,242  
Provision/ (credit) for credit losses - loans             3,331       (2,574 )     3,171       4,454       (18,945 )
Less loans charged-off, net of recoveries:                    
Commercial real estate:                    
Commercial investor real estate             (2 )     (3 )     (3 )     (14 )     (5 )
Commercial owner-occupied real estate             (27 )     (27 )     (25 )     (27 )     (26 )
Commercial AD&C             (283 )                        
Commercial business             1,550       (105 )     15       363       (127 )
Residential real estate:                    
Residential mortgage             (6 )     (6 )     (4 )     35       21  
Residential construction             —                          
Consumer             (132 )     62       115       1,423       (179 )
Net charge-offs/ (recoveries)             1,100       (79 )     98       1,780       (316 )
Balance at the end of period   $         123,096     $ 120,865     $ 123,360     $ 120,287     $ 117,613  
Asset quality ratios:                    
Non-performing loans to total loans     0.74 %     0.81 %     0.46 %     0.44 %     0.41 %
Non-performing assets to total assets     0.63 %     0.65 %     0.37 %     0.36 %     0.34 %
Allowance for credit losses to loans     1.08 %     1.06 %     1.09 %     1.06 %     1.03 %
Allowance for credit losses to non-performing loans     145.78 %     131.59 %     238.32 %     243.21 %     248.93 %
Annualized net charge-offs/ (recoveries) to average loans     0.04 %     %     %     0.06 %     (0.01 )%

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. and Subsidiaries

    Three Months Ended March 31,
    2024   2023
(Dollars in thousands and tax-equivalent)   Average
  Interest (1)   Annualized
  Interest (1)   Annualized
Commercial investor real estate loans   $ 5,057,334     $ 59,642   4.74 %   $ 5,136,204     $ 57,801   4.56 %
Commercial owner-occupied real estate loans     1,746,042       20,718   4.77       1,769,680       19,598   4.49  
Commercial AD&C loans     1,030,763       21,253   8.29       1,082,791       19,839   7.43  
Commercial business loans     1,508,336       26,061   6.95       1,444,588       22,200   6.23  
Total commercial loans     9,342,475       127,674   5.50       9,433,263       119,438   5.13  
Residential mortgage loans     1,491,277       13,805   3.70       1,307,761       11,418   3.49  
Residential construction loans     110,456       1,256   4.57       223,313       1,814   3.29  
Consumer loans     417,539       8,541   8.23       424,122       7,587   7.25  
Total residential and consumer loans     2,019,272       23,602   4.69       1,955,196       20,819   4.29  
Total loans (2)     11,361,747       151,276   5.35       11,388,459       140,257   4.99  
Loans held for sale     8,142       128   6.29       8,324       152   7.29  
Taxable securities     1,188,446       6,663   2.24       1,297,769       7,008   2.16  
Tax-advantaged securities     347,681       2,255   2.60       381,824       2,210   2.32  
Total investment securities (3)     1,536,127       8,918   2.32       1,679,593       9,218   2.20  
Interest-bearing deposits with banks     505,461       6,786   5.40       239,459       2,686   4.55  
Federal funds sold     333       5   5.50       330       4   4.69  
Total interest-earning assets     13,411,810       167,113   5.01       13,316,165       152,317   4.63  
Less: allowance for credit losses - loans     (119,487 )             (136,899 )        
Cash and due from banks     82,667               95,057          
Premises and equipment, net     59,776               67,696          
Other assets     627,169               607,257          
Total assets   $ 14,061,935             $ 13,949,276          
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                        
Interest-bearing demand deposits   $ 1,476,961     $ 5,901   1.61 %   $ 1,381,858     $ 2,630   0.77 %
Regular savings deposits     1,444,713       12,880   3.59       505,364       363   0.29  
Money market savings deposits     2,731,291       24,646   3.63       3,299,794       21,338   2.62  
Time deposits     2,702,885       29,939   4.45       2,382,542       16,457   2.80  
Total interest-bearing deposits     8,355,850       73,366   3.53       7,569,558       40,788   2.19  
Repurchase agreements     72,836       394   2.17       60,626       21   0.14  
Federal funds purchased and Federal Reserve Bank borrowings     237,373       2,992   5.07       171,222       2,083   4.93  
Advances from FHLB     546,154       5,973   4.40       635,056       7,207   4.60  
Subordinated debt     370,861       3,946   4.26       370,258       3,946   4.26  
Total borrowings     1,227,224       13,305   4.36       1,237,162       13,257   4.35  
Total interest-bearing liabilities     9,583,074       86,671   3.64       8,806,720       54,045   2.49  
Noninterest-bearing demand deposits     2,730,295               3,480,433          
Other liabilities     163,664               170,194          
Stockholders' equity     1,584,902               1,491,929          
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $ 14,061,935             $ 13,949,276          
Tax-equivalent net interest income and spread       $ 80,442   1.37 %       $ 98,272   2.14 %
Less: tax-equivalent adjustment         1,099             970    
Net interest income       $ 79,343           $ 97,302    
Interest income/earning assets           5.01 %           4.63 %
Interest expense/earning assets           2.60             1.64  
Net interest margin           2.41 %           2.99 %

(1) Tax-equivalent income has been adjusted using the combined marginal federal and state rate of 25.37% and 25.47% for 2024 and 2023, respectively. The annualized taxable-equivalent adjustments utilized in the above table to compute yields aggregated to $1.1 million and $1.0 million in 2024 and 2023, respectively.
(2) Non-accrual loans are included in the average balances.
(3) Available-for-sale investments are presented at amortized cost.

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